PowerView III Version 5.3.1

Version 5.3.1 is the latest released version of PowerView III. The software includes demo files.

Instruments: LEDCure, LEDMAP, PowerMAP II, Profiler versions of Power Puck II

Windows versions: 7, 8, 10

PowerView III 5.3.1 32-Bit (208.6  MB)

PowerView III User’s Guide (4.9 MB)

PowerView III EIT 2.0 LLC to TDMS File Conversion Notes June 2020 (160.11 KB)

EIT 2.0 LLC’s UV PowerView III Software is available as a 32 bit version. The PowerView III software will work EIT 2.0 LLC’s PowerMAP II, LEDMAP and “Profiler” versions of the LEDCure, Power Puck II and UviCure Plus II.  This software is not compatible and will not work with Standard “Puck” units. 

Run setup.exe as an administrator. Load into the X86 directory.